Tag: HotAir

Al Jazeera Retracts Story About Israeli Rapes – HotAir

Well, retracts is too strong a word, at least so far. Instead they have memory-holed the story, removing it from their website without having to admit that they were wrong.  Anybody familiar with the war in Gaza had a right to suspect that the story was fabricated, not because sexual assaults don’t happen in war, […]

Save Some Bombs for Mexico – HotAir

Way back in 2002, Jonah Goldberg published a (mostly) satirical piece in National Review with the humorous title, “Bomb Canada.” It was an irreverent analysis of the problems with Canada’s fundamentally unamerican nature, describing why we should not literally bomb them, but instead give them a bit of “slapping around” to inspire them to grow […]

What Happened to Biden’s Border Plan? – HotAir

Politico has a follow up on something which seems pretty strange in retrospect. Just a few months ago, the Biden administration was leaking to the media that it was about to crack down on illegal immigration. Specifically, we were told there might be an executive order coming intended to limit the surge of asylum seekers. […]