Tag: HotAir

European Solar Manufacturing Outlook Not So Sunny – HotAir

Those darn Chinese, they spoil everything. Particularly when you’re an industry that need subsidies to survive because you haven’t been able to stand alone yet, even after decades of government largesse greasing your skids. Just when you think you’ve finally got it made, climate cultists have taken over running the country, and are bankrupting everyone […]

Kamala Disappears in SC? – HotAir

Just how has Joe Biden’s first command decision for his presidency worked out? Biden selected Kamala Harris as his running mate almost four years ago to pay off progressives disenchanted with Biden’s old-time machine politics, and also to appeal to black and women voters who had demanded a younger and more “diverse” ticket. Harris supposedly […]

Pro-Palestinian Activists Were Denied Entry to a Kamala Harris Event, Accused the Organizers of Racism – HotAir

As if the Biden administration didn’t already have enough problems retaining young people, particularly the progressives who are outraged over his pro-Israel stance, there is now a video which seems likely to further exacerbate that divide. The clip features a couple of pro-Palestinian activists from the group Nevadans for Palestinian Liberation who had RSVPd for […]