Tag: HotAir

Larry David and Elmo Edition – HotAir

If you have never watched Curb Your Enthusiasm, you have missed some of the funniest and most uncomfortable TV.  I am not a huge fan, mostly because I lean toward the “it’s uncomfortable” part of the spectrum, but I get why people find it hilarious.  Larry David is the central character. David, one of the […]

AI Is Coming for Your Job? – HotAir

        The media warn, “Artificial intelligence will replace millions of jobs.”         In San Francisco, Teamsters protest, demanding the government “protect” their jobs. In my new video, they chant, “Do not have these self-driving vehicles on San Francisco streets, taking jobs!”         They’re complaining about the […]

Tucker Carlson’s Interview with Putin – HotAir

I don’t think Tucker Carlson got what he bargained for in this interview. The interview ran about two hours but most of that was made up of Putin’s rambling answers that sometimes went on for 10-20 minutes. To his credit, Carlson started at the most obvious starting point for a discussion with Putin, which is […]

The Vacuity of Biden’s Brain – HotAir

Joe Biden is not guilty because of senility.  Sure, he broke the law–the same law used to prosecute Donald Trump by Joe Biden’s Justice Department. But he is an old man who is utterly incapable of remembering when he was Vice President, so there is no point in prosecuting him.  That is the conclusion of […]