Tag: HotAir

Biden Backpedals on Israel in Michigan – HotAir

Dearborn, Michigan is shaping up to be Ground Zero for this year’s presidential election, particularly for Joe Biden’s team. As his handlers watch his numbers crater in the swing state of Michigan, panic appears to be setting in. He’s losing ground, particularly among Arab and Muslim-Americans who are numerous in that area, mostly because they […]

Want to Lead a Happy Life? Get Married. – HotAir

Gallup reported on a new poll which says no matter how you slice it, married people report a higher sense of personal well-being than unmarried people. Adults who are married report being far happier than those in any other relationship status, according to a Gallup Poll published Friday. “Any way you analyze those data, we […]

Help, Help Me, Rhonda! Get ‘Em Outta My Park! – HotAir

I’m not really sure if there’s anything much funnier than when touchy-feely progressive types wake up one morning, and realize what they’ve foisted on everyone else is suddenly coming home to roost in someplace they consider breathtakingly beautiful and ever so special. The shock and spontaneous yelps of, “But you can’t do that HERE!!” are […]

Democrats Circle the Wagons – HotAir

It was only a few hours ago that I wrote about the Democratic response to the Special Counsel report and, at the time, there were a few anonymous people willing to admit it was a disaster and a few on-message strategists brushing it off as no big deal. But by this afternoon the tone had […]

San Fran’s DEI Scam – HotAir

Politicians SAY a lot of things; some they mean, some they don’t. So you should always look at what they do and how they spend the money they take from citizens. And, as importantly, whose pockets that money ends up in. The latter is even more important than the former.  There’s a great article in […]

“Who is in charge?” – HotAir

Texas Governor Greg Abbott posted a tweet Thursday that asked a good question. He asked who is in charge. He said Americans have a right to know. Who is in charge? America deserves to know! — Greg Abbott (@GregAbbott_TX) February 9, 2024 That tweet has over a million views as of this morning. Governor Abbott […]