Tag: HotAir

Too Bad To Check? ‘Multiple Sources’ Claim CIA Enlisted Allies to Target Trump in 2016 – HotAir

Sounds like something out of a spy novel, no? And perhaps it could be fiction, but as the reporting team at Public argues, it certainly explains the start of Operation Crossfire Hurricane better than a stupid bar conversation with George Papadapolous.  Instead, “multiple sources” tell Michael Shellenberger, Matt Taibbi, and Alex Gutentag that the Russla-collusion […]

She Walked Away From the Democrats – HotAir

It’s hard to remember, if you are deeply immersed in tracking political, cultural, or social issues that most people don’t have a clue about what is going on.  That may be infuriating, but it is actually a reflection of a good thing. People should be allowed to live their lives without having to keep track […]

Worship Pride or Else – HotAir

As protesters deface and tear down monuments put up to honor great Americans, the Establishment is fighting hard to ensure that our most important societal leaders are properly respected.  That’s why I am thrilled to see that city officials and law enforcement in Delray Beach, Florida are coming down hard–with felony charges–on a 19-year-old man […]

The Left and Chaos – HotAir

        It is impossible to understand what is happening to America — and to the rest of the West — without understanding the most dynamic ideology of the last hundred years: leftism.         We need to begin with the understanding that leftism (or “progressivism”) and liberalism are not only […]