Tag: HotAir

BBC Chastises Presenter for Saying Trans-Women Are Male – HotAir

Is it possible to speak obvious truths without being chastised? It depends entirely on whether that truth supports The Narrative™ or challenges it.  The most powerful tool to enforce compliance with the dominant Elite ideology is the requirement that the language we use be chosen and defined by that Elite.  Legally and common sensically everybody […]

Biden Paying College Students to Register Voters – HotAir

They’re not even trying to hide their plans to interfere with the election at this point. The latest scheme cooked up by the BIden administration was announced by Vice President Kamala Harris on Tuesday, though it didn’t generate many headlines initially. During a meeting with voting rights advocates, Harris said that the administration has been […]

Chinese Nationals Arrested Crossing the Maine Border – HotAir

The southern border is a catastrophe thanks to Joe Biden’s deliberate dereliction of duty. While everyone has been noticing the U.S.-Mexico border, guess what is happening? The northern border is compromised, too. The U.S. northern border is slowly becoming an issue. As it turns out, illegal aliens are crossing the U.S. border with Canada at […]

This Is Stupid Beyond Belief – HotAir

Not every environmentalist is stupid, and many are trying to accomplish desirable goals.  They aren’t the ones you hear about, and with good reason. Pursuing a reasonable policy rationally and persuasively isn’t particularly newsworthy. My father, for instance, has been deeply involved in efforts to find common ground between ranchers in the West and preservationists […]

Federal Judge Blocks Texas Border Security Law – HotAir

U.S. District Judge David Ezra ruled today that Texas Senate Bill 4 violates the U.S. Constitution and prior Supreme Court rulings that put the federal government in charge of immigration laws and restrictions. Senate Bill 4 was scheduled to go into effect on March 5.  The new law would allow local law officers to arrest […]