Tag: American

American Ballerina Arrested in Russia – HotAir

Here we go again. Russia’s main security agency, the Federal Security Service, known as the F.S.B., said Tuesday that it had arrested a dual citizen of the United States and Russia. She is charged with committing state treason because she raised money for Ukraine.  Allegedly the 33-year-old woman identified as Ksenia Karelina, a resident of […]

The Venezuelan Narco State Threatens American National Security

Venezuela is a Narco State. Over 15% of the world’s supply of opium is funneled through the country. “Operation Money Badger” was initiated in 2013 by the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) to record and build drug-trafficking cases against Venezuela’s leadership, including President Maduro. Colombian drug traffickers were utilizing Venezuela’s tightly controlled foreign currency system to […]