
Democrats Explore Other Ways to Disqualify Trump

The Supreme Court’s unanimous decision Monday shut down state efforts to remove former President Donald Trump from the ballot but left a few options open for Democrats seeking to disqualify him, which some began exploring soon after the ruling dropped. Democratic Maryland Rep. Jamie Raskin already said he is working on a bill that would create a […]

Detransitioners Vindicated by Expose of WPATH Experimentation

Detransitioners have been trying to warn the public that so-called gender-affirming care—transgender surgeries, hormones, and puberty blockers—is both experimental and dangerous, especially for minors. Now, thanks to the efforts of journalist Michael Shellenberger, we know that World Professional Association for Transgender Health doctors and medical experts pushing these practices were well aware of the experimental […]

Tragic Reality of US Politics

Millions of Americans, depressed by the ideological divide in America, harbor a wish that something or someone can bridge this divide. This wish is understandable. But it is fantasy. The divide is unbridgeable. One might as well wish that daily consumption of a hot fudge sundae will lead to weight loss. To cite a few […]

New Video Says ‘Votes Trashed’ With Ranked Choice Voting

FIRST ON THE DAILY SIGNAL—Ranked choice voting causes thousands of votes to get “trashed,” contends a new video by a government watchdog set for release Wednesday—one day after Super Tuesday, when 15 states hold presidential nominating contests. The Foundation for Government Accountability provided the video to The Daily Signal ahead of Super Tuesday, which sees […]

What You Need to Know About the Super Tuesday Primary Voting

Voters in 15 states are headed to the polls or to caucuses Tuesday, in what is arguably the most important day in the 2024 presidential primary season; that is, Super Tuesday.  Alabama, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Maine, Massachusetts, Minnesota, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas, Vermont, and Virginia are all holding primaries. Caucuses will be held in […]

Ron Johnson, Ted Cruz Rip FEMA on Illegal Immigrant Travel

Key Senate Republicans blasted the Federal Emergency Management Agency for shoddy record-keeping regarding the transportation of illegal immigrants throughout the U.S.  FEMA distributes grants to nonprofit organizations for shelter and travel expenses for illegal immigrants, but last month informed The Heritage Foundation’s Oversight Project that it has no documentation about how that taxpayer money has […]

Teachers Unions Quietly Spend Millions on GOP Primaries

Though teachers unions are well known for donating huge sums to Democratic candidates, a closer look at donor data reveals that the unions have spent the last six years quietly slipping millions of dollars into the pockets of Republican candidates for state legislatures in contested primary races. According to databases maintained by Open Secrets and […]