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Biden’s Got a Big Problem: 28 Delegates Now ‘Uncommitted’

As President Joe Biden approaches a rematch with former President Donald Trump, Democrats are sending a message of dissatisfaction to their own incumbent. Throughout the primary season, activists have urged Democrats to vote “uncommitted” in presidential primaries to show the clout of the pro-Palestinian wing of the party. In Kentucky, that resulted in almost 18 […]

Scientists Find Earth-Sized Planet That Could Hold Life

A group of academics has identified a planet that could potentially support life. They’re describing Gliese 12 b as a planet within the habitable zone of its own solar system. The planet orbits a red dwarf star 40 light years away from the Earth in the Pisces constellation. University College of London scientist Larissa Palethorpe […]

Unexpected Strong Contender Has Emerged to be Trump’s VP

A poll earlier this month asked Republican and Republican-leaning voters who they’d like to see former President Donald Trump choose as his running mate in the very likely event that Trump is named the party’s nominee in July’s Republican National Convention in Milwaukee. The poll, from Issues & Insights and TIPP, listed all the usual […]