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Scientists Find Earth-Sized Planet That Could Hold Life

A group of academics has identified a planet that could potentially support life. They’re describing Gliese 12 b as a planet within the habitable zone of its own solar system. The planet orbits a red dwarf star 40 light years away from the Earth in the Pisces constellation. University College of London scientist Larissa Palethorpe […]

Report: ICE Confirms Illegal Aliens Attempted Quantico Breach

With the Southern border wide open for anyone to walk through, it feels like the safety of the country is hanging on a thread made of little more than wishes and happy thoughts. Earlier this month, two Jordanian nationals attempted to illegally enter the Quantico Marine Corps Base in Virginia by posing as Amazon delivery contractors. […]

Report: ICE Confirms Illegal Aliens Attempted Quantico Breach

With the Southern border wide open for anyone to walk through, it feels like the safety of the country is hanging on a thread made of little more than wishes and happy thoughts. Earlier this month, two Jordanian nationals attempted to illegally enter the Quantico Marine Corps Base in Virginia by posing as Amazon delivery contractors. […]