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BLM Co-Founder Loses Lawsuit Against LAPD – HotAir

Melina Abdullah is the co-founder of Black Lives Matter in Los Angeles. She’s also Cornel West’s running mate in his run for president. When she’s not out protesting or campaigning, Abdullah is a professor at Cal State LA. She recently made news for her opinion that Taylor Swift fans are “slightly racist.” Why do I […]

Biden’s Got a Big Problem: 28 Delegates Now ‘Uncommitted’

As President Joe Biden approaches a rematch with former President Donald Trump, Democrats are sending a message of dissatisfaction to their own incumbent. Throughout the primary season, activists have urged Democrats to vote “uncommitted” in presidential primaries to show the clout of the pro-Palestinian wing of the party. In Kentucky, that resulted in almost 18 […]

Biden’s Got a Big Problem: 28 Delegates Now ‘Uncommitted’

As President Joe Biden approaches a rematch with former President Donald Trump, Democrats are sending a message of dissatisfaction to their own incumbent. Throughout the primary season, activists have urged Democrats to vote “uncommitted” in presidential primaries to show the clout of the pro-Palestinian wing of the party. In Kentucky, that resulted in almost 18 […]

Will Alaska Ditch Ranked-Choice Voting? – HotAir

In 2022, Alaska made the regrettable decision to move to ranked-choice voting. Confusion ensued and the results of major races were distorted as a result. The state’s sole House seat wound up going to the Democratic candidate who received fewer votes than Republicans Sarah Palin and Nick Begich because the conservative vote wound up being […]