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The Lloyd Austin Scandal Just Got Worse – PJ Media

It’s hard to believe that the scandal surrounding Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin could get any worse, but it’s starting to look that way.  Austin’s hospitalization was such a closely guarded secret that for roughly four or five days that neither Congress nor the White House had any idea Austin was missing, and Deputy Defense […]

Ranked Choice Voting Diminishes Minority Voting

Ranked choice voting, in which voters rank candidates on a ballot rather than choose one, may harm black and Native American voters disproportionately, according to a new study by a Princeton University professor.  Minority candidates also may be undercut by ranked choice voting, said Nolan McCarty, a professor of politics and public affairs at Princeton’s […]

Biden Admin Eyes Seizing Ownership, Control of Some Patents

If it ain’t broke, break it. That’s Joe Biden’s guiding principle. He took President Donald Trump’s much-tighter southern border and ripped it as wide open as a gutted trout’s belly. Biden turned Trump’s energy independence into begging Iran and Venezuela to pump more oil. And Biden devolved Trump’s peace in the Middle East into a five-front Arab war […]

Frigid Weather Reveals Another Problem With EVs – HotAir

In case you somehow hadn’t noticed, a blast of arctic weather has been covering large parts of the United States with snow and ice, including in places that rarely see this type of weather. (Thanks, global warming!) Temperatures have fallen below the freezing point in many locations, including Chicago and even Texas. In the Windy […]

Asa Hutchinson Suspends His Campaign – HotAir

Asa Hutchinson suspended his presidential campaign today. I know what you’re thinking – he was still in the race? Yes, he was and had been campaigning in Iowa. He finished sixth in the Iowa caucuses. I guess after Vivek Ramaswamy suspended his campaign immediately after coming in fourth and endorsing Trump Monday night, Hutchinson realized […]