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New Hampshire Primary Is a Dud – PJ Media

The New Hampshire Republican primary of 1980 was one for the history books. Two presidents (Reagan and Bush) were on the ballot, along with the dynamic former Texas Governor John Connally, Rep. Phil Crane (who ended up writing the 1982 tax cut bill), and Senate Minority Leader (soon to become Majority  Leader) Howard Baker. […]

Abby Johnson and Anthony Fauci – PJ Media

As I sit all warm and cozy in my home office composing this column in the early morning hours, I look out the window into a white winter wonderland. Snow is really coming down in North Central Maryland — “puttin’ it down and pilin’ it up,” as my father-in-law Ted Randall always said at […]

A twist on game day salsas: Three recipes with fruit

Certain foods are inextricably linked with game day parties: chicken wings, nachos, chili, guacamole … and salsa. Bowls and bowls of salsa. And while you can always pop open a jar, homemade salsa is extremely simple to make. The only skill it requires is a willingness to chop, mince and dice. Everyone loves a classic […]