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Oklahoma Republican Moves to Abolish Abortion, No-Fault Divorce, Pornography in One Fell Swoop

One Oklahoma legislator has introduced a package of new legislation to implement some very old principles. Republican state Senator Dusty Deevers of Oklahoma, who was elected after promising to support laws establishing biblical standards of justice and conduct, is calling for the abolition of no-fault divorce, equating abortion with murder, severe punishments for lying in […]

The Do-or-Die Moment for America – PJ Media

The gross negligence and incompetence of the Biden Administration is appalling. Their bad decisions continuously putting our national security at risk and destroying America (maybe willfully) must be exposed and stopped.  The border being invaded by millions of illegals, our national security threatened here and around the globe because […]

Confronting My White Privilege – PJ Media

I don’t know about you, but if I’m ever anesthetized and under the surgeon’s knife, I would prefer that the chap or gal on the other end of the scalpel be focused exclusively on correcting my ailment, stitching me up, and keeping me alive. Ahh, but I would prefer that, wouldn’t I, racist dirtbag that […]