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The Most Dangerous Conservative – PJ Media

The New York Times put Charles Murray on the cover of its Sunday Magazine, calling him “The Most Dangerous Conservative.”  That was after he co-wrote the book, “The Bell Curve,” which argued that different ethnic groups have, on average, different IQs. As Murray puts it in my video this week, “Blacks on average have […]

19 Years Ago, the Los Angeles Times Published a Column on Antisemitism on American Campuses – HotAir

Antisemitism on American college campuses is not new. College presidents and professors didn’t begin tolerating or teaching antisemitism last Oct. 8. Students marching on behalf of the annihilation of the Jewish state, student activists tearing down posters of kidnapped Jewish children, locking Jewish students in a library at Cooper Union and “70% of Jewish college […]

Donald Trump mauls ‘imposter’ Nikki Haley in victory speech

Former President Donald Trump celebrated his victory in the New Hampshire primary by mocking Nikki Haley for “pretending” to win GOP nomination contests that she loses. Addressing his supporters at his election night party in New Hampshire, Mr. Trump said he keeps winning and Ms. Haley keeps losing. “She didn’t win, she lost,” Mr. Trump […]

Democrats’ Call for Justice Thomas’ Recusal Is Naked Political Ploy

In their latest attack on the integrity of the U.S. Supreme Court, House Democrats are urging Justice Clarence Thomas to recuse himself from a case involving former President Donald Trump’s eligibility to appear on Colorado’s Republican primary ballot. Their reasoning is simple, but dangerously misguided: Because Thomas’ wife, Ginni, has expressed opinions about Trump and […]