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San Francisco sued over Guaranteed Income for Trans People program

San Francisco’s landmark initiative providing guaranteed cash to low-income Black and Hispanic transgender residents may be well intentioned, but whether it’s entirely legal is another question. Judicial Watch filed a lawsuit in San Francisco Superior Court challenging the Guaranteed Income for Trans People (GIFT) program on behalf of three taxpayers, saying that it violates California […]

Has Anything Really Changed at UPenn? – HotAir

As you probably remember, UPenn President Liz Magill resigned from her job on Dec. 9, just days after her disastrous congressional testimony. Magill was one of three university presidents who struggled to answer some loaded but fairly simple questions about the treatment of Jewish students on campus. This came after the school had a number […]

WHO Climate BS, Infantile Edition – HotAir

Climate change: is there anything it can’t do? The answer is no, since there is no such thing as truth or facts, only the Narrative™. According to the World Health Organization, climate change is the underlying cause for an uptick in low birthweight, high birthweight, and stillborn infants. The WHO, famous for its accurate and […]