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GOP Must Tell Democrats No U.S. Troops To Police Gaza

Biden and his pro-Hamas Democrat allies have a new strategy for thwarting Israel’s campaign to eliminate our mutual enemy in Gaza – send American troops as part of a U.N. buffer force to ensure the Israelis do not finish off the Muslim terrorists. In a rational world the United States government would be actively supporting […]

Would a Random Group of People Do Better Than Congress?

A recent Rasmussen Reports survey confirms that we are not alone in our antipathy for today’s Congress. Only one-in-five voters think members of Congress listen to their constituents, and a majority say a random collection of people would do a better job. The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 54% of […]

Is there any such thing as a ‘shy’ Joe Biden voter out there?

The questions surely must stump the average Democrat honk trying to make sense of reality, but here’s a novel theory: Make way for the “shy” Biden voter as well! Senile Joe Biden’s reelection campaign managers must earnestly hope the group is no hypothetical. At a time when, at least theoretically, the incumbent president’s campaign machine […]