Donald Trump

Will SCOTUS Split the Immunity Baby? – HotAir

Adam Baldwin thinks so, after listening to oral arguments at the Supreme Court. Aaron Walker thinks so too, but in a different way. And so does Jonathan Turley, again in a different way, but only because of the abysses on either side of a yes/no decision.  Me? I didn’t listen to the Supreme Court session […]

Rudy Giuliani, Mark Meadows and 16 Others Indicted in Arizona at Behest of Democratic Attorney General

Arizona Democratic Attorney General Kris Mayes announced on Wednesday that a grand jury convened by her office had indicted 11 state Republicans and seven aides to former President Donald Trump in connection with an alleged attempt to subvert the 2020 presidential election results. Charges contained in the 58-page indictment consist of conspiracy, fraud and forgery. Defendants […]

Republican Registration in Swing State Skyrockets, Showing Where Trump Stands Against Biden

As Republican voters have learned, to their dismay, party affiliation does not always matter when it comes to elected representatives. In Congress, for instance, “Republican” and “Democrat” often convey little more than the illusion of difference. For gauging the electorate’s mood, however, voter registrations — particularly when measured in the tens of thousands — can […]