
NBC Sports Legend Bob Costas Savages Biden, Allies On Air

As a new immigrant to this amazing nation, Bob Costas represents the part of America I despise — the part of American elitist society that believes if you are famous for anything, you automatically know better than others and are an expert on American politics who should be president. Costas recently appeared on “Real Time […]

This Explains Why Its AI Erased White People

In the week that Google’s new artificial intelligence platform launched, its seeming inability to produce images of white men regardless of the prompt made it an unmitigated disaster. And with more information unearthed regarding the people responsible for Google Gemini’s insufferable wokeness, its deficiencies look much less like a bug and more like a feature. […]

China Allegedly Dumping Cyanide in Foreign Fisheries

Once again, it seems China’s pursuit of global dominance is having potentially catastrophic consequences for the rest of the world. The South China Morning Post reported Thursday that fishermen in the Philippines have accused the communist power of deliberately dumping cyanide in the Scarborough Shoal, a disputed territory that’s home to a large commercial fishery. […]