
California University Closes Campus Through End of Semester as Anti-Israel Protests Go Too Far

One California university has shut down its campus and shunted all classes online for the rest of the spring term due to protesters who have occupied multiple college buildings. California State Polytechnic University, Humboldt’s actions come amid campus protests that have damaged universities and their reputations from Columbia to USC. On Friday, the Northern California […]

While Hateful Demonstrations Cripple ‘Elite’ College Campuses, the Opposite Happened at a Major Christian University

Many have followed the wide path to destruction, but some have chosen the narrow gate that leads to life. Recently, pro-Palestinian protests fueled in part by virulent anti-Semitism have erupted on several Ivy League and other “elite” campuses, creating a toxic environment that one professor described as reminiscent of 1938. How different the scene was […]