
Decolonize Academia Now! – HotAir

Note to Readers: I wrote this essay on October 25 of last year, in the first days of the widespread paroxysms of anti-Semitic hatred on American campuses. Six months later, the crisis in Academia has only grown exponentially worse. Our posts and Headlines are dominated by Jew-hatred in places like Columbia, Yale, Harvard, MIT, and other […]

Dogs Are Now Racist, Too – PJ Media

Is there something in New York City’s water that has made it more insane than usual lately? A couple of days ago, the New York Post described how there apparently has been a growing beef between the non-dog owners and dog owners in Brooklyn (and had a lot of fun doing it). […]

It Always Starts With the Jews – PJ Media

An Imperial Japanese diplomat in Nazi Germany before the war was supposed to have written back to Tokyo lamenting that Japan had nothing like the Jews. Totalitarian regimes are at their best when they have a readily identifiable minority to persecute and, most importantly, to scapegoat.  “It’s crazy,” TwitterX […]