Top O’ the Briefing
Happy Tuesday, dear Kruiser Morning Briefing friends. Vallythra was determined to take the monthly Craft Brew and Crochet Convocation into a doily-focused direction when she became president.
Here’s a bit of a potpourri offering today that’s been a couple of days in the making.
This has been kicking around in my head since I read this from my friend and colleague Sam J. over at Twitchy on Sunday morning. It was the first thing I saw when I opened the THM News app while having coffee and I immediately knew that there would be no way that I could avoid Biden’s latest public meltdown trainwreck.
It’s another one of those, “Why do his handlers keep letting him out in public?” Biden moments. OK, they all are now. He’s ranting about Trump and, when the spit really starts flying, he seems to claim that his son Beau died at Normandy.
Yeah, that Normandy.
My buddy Matt Vespa noticed it too and had this to say about Biden’s latest perversion of his son’s memory:
Joe isn’t a Gold Star parent, though he tries to impersonate one to score political points.
This is what really gets to me about these repeated lies about Beau Biden:
Media will put 1000 fact-checkers on what Trump says he had for lunch, but Biden gets unlimited passes when claiming that his son Beau was a casualty of war.
— SFK (@stephenkruiser) January 28, 2024
Even if the Democrats’ flying monkeys in the mainstream media wanted to cut Biden some slack because he’s riddled with dementia, these incidents are still newsworthy and are worth pointing out. His press corps/fan club has opted to ignore something that would get any other citizen raked across the coals.
From now until the election, any time I see one of the leftmedia hacks fact-checking Trump, I’m bringing up Biden’s stolen Gold Star parent valor to them. Will it change anything? No. That doesn’t mean we should let it go though.
Of course, the possibility exists that the mentally unfit POTUS actually has no idea where or how his son died. Robert asks in a recent headline of his, “Does Old Joe Biden Even Know That He’s President?”
That question from any of us just a year or so ago would have been a mean-spirited (but deserved) partisan dig. Now it’s a legitimate one that the Democrats should be forced to answer. Better yet, put it directly to Biden and see what his English-optional slur-fest of a response will be.
Robert goes over a couple of recent Grandpa gaffes and the subsequent fixing of them by the kids who post transcripts of Biden’s babbling on Here’s one of them:
Old Joe continued: “Lemme tell you who else is noticing that: Donald Trump.” The Trump-hating crowd, which moments before this had been howling “Loser Donald Trump” at Biden’s mention of the left’s current Emmanuel Goldstein figure, lapped this up and erupted into gales of appreciative laughter.
This encouraged Joe, who meandered on: “Did you see what he recently said about, the wes— um, k— k—, that wants to, that he wants to see the economy crash this year? A sitting president. As they say in my faith, ‘Bless me, Father, for…’” He trailed off as he began to make the sign of the cross, and then added: “I mean, come on, man,” which set the assembled leftists off into new laughing fits.
I have no problem believing that, in that moment, Biden went full glitch and thought that Donald Trump was still president. Even though he isn’t in the Delaware basement anymore, it has to be difficult for what is left of his brain to differentiate between the 2020 campaign and this one. Once he gets wound up to froth about Trump, the years must get blurry.
For quite some time after he got into the White House, charting Biden’s mental decline wasn’t that easy, largely because he’s never been bright or coherent. Then the slurring started. His medical staff finally hit a point where they could no longer pump Biden with enough Adderall to keep him from sounding like a town drunk from a 1950s western.
In a recent VIP, Matt Margolis examines some of the ways in which the Left is attempting to pretend that all is well with Biden.
They can spin all they want, but everybody has the internet. My colleague Nick Arama has some video over at our sister site RedState that showcases the real Biden. He was doing his “I was born a poor black child” (Google it) shtick again. The deer in headlights look on Biden’s face in the last vid in the post truly makes him look like he not only doesn’t know where he is, but maybe who he is as well.
America doesn’t deserve this, not even after unleashing Megan Rapinoe on the world for so many years. The sad thing is that the people who are enabling Biden don’t grasp that they’re ruining things for themselves and their children just as much as they are for those of us who are sane. They believe that they’re going to have some exalted seat at the Permanent Majority table, but all they’re going to get are general admission tickets to World War III.
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Everything Isn’t Awful
Wrong neighborhood..😂
— Buitengebieden (@buitengebieden) January 29, 2024
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