Tag: Talk

Loose Talk About the End of Everything – PJ Media

After a recent summit between new partners China and Russia, General Secretary Xi Jinping and Russian Federation President Vladimir Putin issued an odd one-sentence communique: “There can be no winners in a nuclear war and it should never be fought.” No one would disagree, even though several officials of […]

PolitiFact Shames Talk of ‘Outside Agitators’ in College Protests

You can tell when the PolitiFact website is going to negotiate around the facts. On May 7, its top headline on the homepage asked: “Are ‘outside agitators’ co-opting campus protests?” This isn’t quite the right question. The media have presented these events as “student” protests, so if half the participants aren’t college students, how would […]

The Left’s Plan to Sabotage Talk Radio and Local News

For its nearly universal control over the news-industrial complex, the left has failed to penetrate the one and only media format dominated by conservatives: talk radio. Despite repeated liberal incursions into the medium, from Mario Cuomo to Tom Daschle to Air America, the left cannot make a showing. Now, it has launched a series of deceptive websites and bought up […]