Tag: HotAir

Biden Stabs Israel in the Back – HotAir

Seven months ago, almost to the day, Hamas and the Gazans launched a barbaric attack on Israeli civilians, slaughtering more Jews in any single day since the Holocaust. The recognizing government of the enclave raped, pillaged, and slaughtered Israelis and foreigners at a music festival, on the kibbutzes that feed Israel, and kidnapped around 250 […]

So This is Biden’s ‘Tougher’ Border Policy? – HotAir

We’ve been hearing rumors for a while now that President Joe Biden and his handlers have finally seen the writing on the wall and are planning to start to “crackdown” on illegal migrants crossing into our country over the southern border. Now, White House insiders are saying that today could be the day. The President […]

‘The Era of Cheap Food Is Over’ Because… – HotAir

…we need to go back to when agriculture was inefficient.  Good idea. There are too many proles anyway, right? Time to thin the herd.  And so it begins…https://t.co/Yxvva2Fk5Y pic.twitter.com/9yvoALRDy4 — Tess Summers 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🇮🇪 (@tesssummers98) May 8, 2024 Climate change hysteria is a magic force in the hands of an elite that has been preaching deindustrialization […]

Now Ukraine Will Be Sending Prisoners to the Front Lines – HotAir

As we’ve discussed here frequently, it’s no secret that Ukraine has been running low on troops needed to continue fighting the Russian invasion. They’ve had far too many soldiers killed or captured and their recruiting efforts have produced lackluster results of late. If we needed any more evidence of this reality, the Ukrainian Parliament voted […]

Why Identity Politics Makes the Left Miserable – HotAir

I’m really fascinated by this question. Why is it that social surveys routinely show conservatives are more happy than progressives? Today Thomas Edsall has an opinion piece in the NY Times which looks at some of the research on this question. And what he finds is that there may in fact be a depressive aspect […]