Tag: California

California Audit Reveals What We All Knew About the State

Forty years ago, President Ronald Reagan secured re-election with a 525-13 Electoral College shellacking of Democratic challenger Walter Mondale. California, land of boundless opportunity and breathtaking natural beauty that seemed to symbolize Reagan’s “Morning in America,” helped its former Republican governor complete that historic near-sweep in the unforgettable 1984 presidential election. Alas, everything has changed. […]

‘Burglary Tourism’ Ravages California – Is It Time to Cheer for the Burglars?

After years of enacting far-left policies to the detriment of its ordinary, law-abiding citizens, California has become almost an archetypal example of the failure of leftist ideology. Thanks in part to California’s generous immigration policy, California has recently been plagued by well-organized gangs of burglars taking advantage of California’s welcoming policies. As reported in Fox […]