
Further Evidence the ACLU Has Lost Its Way – HotAir

I was never really a fan of the ACLU because it was clear they were always a leftist group. But I did have a grudging admiration for their historical commitment to free speech and their principled willingness to defend what would now be called hate speech.  But something seemed to change in 2018. That was […]

Wokesters More Likely to Be Depressed, Anxious, and Unhappy

A recent study from researchers at the University of Turku in Finland has uncovered a correlation between progressivism and levels of happiness. And you don’t really need to guess which way the level of happiness goes when progressivism increases. Just scroll TikTok for five minutes — if you don’t mind being spied on by China […]

Washington Supreme Court Rules Bar Exam Is Racist – PJ Media

Well, everything is racist according to the left, so really, are you surprised? The Washington Supreme Court issued two orders on Monday endorsing “alternative pathways” for individuals to pursue a legal career, effectively eliminating the requirement of passing the bar exam. Justifying its decision, the court claimed that the traditional bar exam “blocks marginalized […]

The Monstrous Final Design Made Him Melt Down

A transgender voice actor who thought a character in a popular video game would cater to his identification is calling for “reparations” after he learned the character model was a grotesque inhuman villain. The actor, Zoey Alexandria, said in a now-deleted post that he was voicing a character for an update to “Dead By Daylight,” […]

Museum Claims Overhaul of Gallery Is Not Woke, But New Signage Near the Classics Hints There’s Been a Big Shift

In another tragic reminder that academia has devolved into a steaming pile of trash, an antiquities museum owned by England’s Cambridge University overhauled its art displays with absurd warnings suggesting landscape paintings are racist. The Fitzwilliam Museum has added signs to historical paintings of the British countryside, warning anyone who looks at them that depictions […]