Social Media

‘Absurdly Woke’ Gemini AI Chatbot’s Image Tool Put on Pause by Google After Backlash for Controversially Inaccurate Pictures

Google has suspended the image-generating feature of its Gemini artificial intelligence chatbot after social media was filled with examples in which diversity replaced reality. Examples included a black George Washington, black Vikings, female popes and Founding Fathers who were Native American. The Verge reported that when it asked for “a US senator from the 1800s” […]

Leftists Try to Start Trump ‘Shoving’ Scandal Around Mar-a-Lago Clip, But Then the Other Guy in the Video Steps Forward

Welcome back to the time-honored tradition of trying to create a scandal out of absolute nothing, Donald Trump edition. Because, as we all know, chronically online liberals love nothing more than manufacturing evidence that the former president and leading GOP candidate in this year’s presidential race is the spawn of Satan and must be sacrificed […]

Red Cross Official Makes Shocking Admission to Undercover Journalist About COVID-19 Vaccine Status in Blood Donations

A video recording of a call between an undercover journalist and an official with the American Red Cross on Tuesday has caused an uproar among the unvaccinated community. The recording reveals that the organization does not separate blood donations based on COVID-19 vaccination status. Conservative political commentator, media host and comedian Steven Crowder shared the […]