Gavin Newsom

California Program Set to Pay Drivers for the Privilege of Even More Taxes in the Near Future – PJ Media

Attention climate-conscious drivers! The Once-Golden state of California needs your help “fighting” climate change through taxation. All you have to give up is your privacy and your money by “volunteering” for a six-month temporary program that’s actually permanent. In exchange for your small sacrifice to the gods of climatology and big government, you’ll receive […]

Wait, We’re Not in Charge? Edition – PJ Media

West Coast, Messed Coast™ readers will recognize this old joke: The flood’s coming and everyone is told to flee. One man stays and holds steadfastly to his belief that God will come and save him. As the water starts seeping in, his neighbor comes by to offer him a ride out of the dangerous […]

Unions Are Biggest Beneficiaries of Calif. High-Speed Rail Project

Democratic officials are throwing billions at California high-speed rail projects that have yet to be built, funding thousands of jobs specifically for union members. Despite funding initially being approved by a referendum in 2008, the California High-Speed Rail project currently has less than a quarter of its expected length under construction and was initially supposed […]

California Primed for the Big One and the State’s Not Ready

California should mercifully split off from the rest of the U.S. politically, but the possibility of such a geological reality is no laughing matter. Although California wouldn’t exactly break off into the ocean, as some hyperbolic predictions suggest, a new study published in Frontiers in Earth Science is warning that the San Andreas Fault is […]