
While Hateful Demonstrations Cripple ‘Elite’ College Campuses, the Opposite Happened at a Major Christian University

Many have followed the wide path to destruction, but some have chosen the narrow gate that leads to life. Recently, pro-Palestinian protests fueled in part by virulent anti-Semitism have erupted on several Ivy League and other “elite” campuses, creating a toxic environment that one professor described as reminiscent of 1938. How different the scene was […]

‘He’s Well Named… Whackeen… Wacky’

After the first trailer debuted on July 10, 2023, the hype began building for Sony’s 2023 “Napoleon” film starring Joaquin Phoenix as the historical French emperor Napoleon Bonaparte. When the film finally debuted in November, the critical and commercial reception was… underwhelming, to say the least. The worldwide gross barely surpassed the film’s bloated budget […]