
10,000 Cards in First-Round Issue Across US

Coming this summer to a city near you: taxpayer-funded identification cards for thousands of illegal immigrants. Well, maybe to a city near you; Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials insist that some aspects of the plan are “pre-decisional,” and though both Atlanta and Houston have been named as possible locations, things are still subject to change. The […]

Fact Check: Biden Loves to Claim He Has Cut The Deficit

In a Thursday interview with CNN, President Joe Biden was once again claiming that he has reduced the deficit. Quick fact check: That claim is utterly false. While arguing for increasing taxes on wealthy Americans, Biden said, “We could further reduce the deficit, which I have been able to reduce.” In 2022 and 2023, Biden […]

Must Watch: CNN Host Has Blunt Message for Biden

When even one of CNN’s most reliably CNN-ish on-air apparatchiks is admitting that President Joe Biden “risked p***ing off” voters with his tone on the economy during a softball interview with CNN, you know it’s really bad. And it was — so bad, in fact, that during the short one-on-one with CNN’s Erin Burnett which […]

Suburbs in Progressive Metros Losing Residents at a Rapid Pace

The continuing exodus of law-abiding citizens from the disintegrating capitals of wokeness has begun extending beyond the borders of those cities themselves. With the growth of crime fostered and, in some ways, encouraged in progressive cities, coupled with the crippling taxes and cost of living, it was a no-brainer that many residents would move out […]

‘They’re Waging a War on People’

Saudi Arabia reportedly issued a disturbing order in pursuit of an environmentalist’s dream of a “car-free” city, a project in which a list of Western companies are clamoring to participate. The Saudi government is preparing to build a futuristic desert city it is calling The Line as part of its Neom eco-project. While the Saudis […]