Colleges and universities

USC Senior Devastated to Learn Graduation Is Canceled

Four years ago, a lethal contagion spread across the United States. A plague of cowardice far deadlier than the coronavirus gripped school administrators throughout the land. And it claimed among its victims the high school seniors of 2020, who saw their graduation ceremonies canceled amid the panic. This spring, many of those same high school […]

While Hateful Demonstrations Cripple ‘Elite’ College Campuses, the Opposite Happened at a Major Christian University

Many have followed the wide path to destruction, but some have chosen the narrow gate that leads to life. Recently, pro-Palestinian protests fueled in part by virulent anti-Semitism have erupted on several Ivy League and other “elite” campuses, creating a toxic environment that one professor described as reminiscent of 1938. How different the scene was […]

Foreign Students Who Get Suspended for Anti-Israel Activities Could Face Even Tougher Punishment, DHS Confirms

Foreign students suspended by their colleges for joining anti-Israel protests could be deported, according to the Department of Homeland Security. As Jewish citizens celebrate Passover, U.S. universities have become a hotbed of violent anti-Semitic rhetoric and demonstrations condemning Israel for its response to Hamas’ brutal terrorist attack on Oct. 7. Some colleges have suspended students […]

‘I Wish I Was More Educated’

You would think that people spending so much time and energy protesting the supposed injustices of a war happening half a planet away would be able to answer some simple questions about why they were there to begin with. But in the days of protesting Current Woke Obsession simply because all the cool kids are […]