Businesses and companies

Employees Notified Via ‘Gut Stab’ Email

In a move prompting all manner of outcry and consternation, Microsoft told its staff last week that several studios of Xbox (which the tech titan owns) would be shuttering. In short, while some talent may be re-dispersed within the Xbox first-party studio ecosphere, many staffers have been let go altogether amid those studio closures. Notably, […]

Boeing 737 Catches Fire During Failed Takeoff Attempt

A Boeing airplane left a runway and ended up in flames in a field during a failed takeoff attempt on Thursday at an airport in West Africa. The 737 skid injured at least 11 people, four of whom were sent to a hospital in the country of Senegal, the U.K.’s Independent reported. According to multiple […]

Southwest Airlines Comes Under Criticism for Letting ‘Devious’ Passengers Exploit Boarding System

Are greedy passengers exploiting Southwest Airlines’ preboarding system? The large volume of passengers who board before everyone else is spurring concerns of abuse, The Wall Street Journal reported Tuesday. Some believe their fellow Southwest customers are falsely claiming disabilities in order to preboard. “Frequent fliers see it as a devious way to game the open-seating […]