
Walmart Feeling Pret-tee Smug Right Now – HotAir

Have you seen all those news reports lately about how expensive fast food has gotten? Reporters don’t have to look far to find someone whining about what it costs to eat at McDonald’s and, hard left sycophants that they are, the amazing thing is they ARE looking. You could have knocked me over with a […]

Biden 2.0 — Be Afraid, Be Very Afraid – HotAir

        Could a second Biden term be more injurious to the economy than his first term? It seems unimaginable given the first three years gave us 20% inflation, a $2,000 loss in average real incomes for the middle class, 6 million added illegal immigrants, a war on American energy that has caused […]

Highest Job Loss Numbers in a Year – HotAir

We all know what the official, “Everything’s fine – you knuckle-dragging rubes just are too stupid to realize it” line is. Biden’s retelling of economic history could win a fiction award: — E.J. Antoni, Ph.D. (@RealEJAntoni) May 9, 2024 Here we go again with our lying eyes. Welp, who’s gonna tell POTATUS? Initial filings […]

Private Farms Disappearing, Food Crisis Could Ensue – PJ Media

Government regulations and other elite machinations have reportedly caused farmers to step away from farms their families owned for generations. As elites buy up huge amounts of farmland and private farming becomes more impossible, a deliberately triggered food crisis could occur. Western Journal just reported on the trend of farmland changing […]

Why Small Businesses Hate Bidenomics – HotAir

        If the economy is so good, why do small business leaders feel so bad?         The latest Small Business Optimism Index from the National Federation of Independent Business could hardly be more depressing. It finds that the men and women who run our 33 million small businesses and […]