Author: admin

Your Car Stores Your Text Messages

Your car is smarter than you think. And it is not a violation of privacy for your car to automatically store text and call data from your cell phone, following a ruling from the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit. Modern convenience often comes with a price of sacrificed privacy, but in this […]

Promises Fulfilled – PJ Media

It’s Christmas morning, and chances are you have a lot going on. The kids are opening presents, and there’s wrapping paper strewn throughout the house. You might have food on the stove or in the oven ready for family to come by later. Or you may have family already at your house. […]

Baby Name Trend Could Pose Risks For Kids And Country

In 2013, Katie Hopkins appeared on British TV show “This Morning” and got into a bit of a tussle over children’s names, but now, a decade later, she has been proven, at least somewhat, right. First, she said baby names are getting crazier. True. Second, she said rude children are often named Tyler. Also true. […]