
Kruiser’s Handy Election Year Guide to Topics the Democrats’ Media Hacks Will Be Censoring – PJ Media

We are now halfway into the second month of this most momentous of election years here in the good old U.S. of A. I know, these first six weeks have felt like six months. This whole year is probably going to seem like a dark winter, no matter how hot it gets. 

My colleagues and I are going to do everything we can to push back the gloom and keep it at bay, no matter how much resistance we get. Spoiler alert: we’re going to get a lot of resistance. 

There are a variety of topics that the mainstream media hacks will be lying about or avoiding altogether in service of the Democrats this year. Over here on the reality-based side of the aisle, we don’t have the luxury of winging it. We write about the truths that the faux journos on the Left want us to shut the hell up about. I’m going to go over just a few of them here. 

1. Trans Issues

Anyone who writes anything truthful about trans issues is immediately labeled a bigot by the Pronoun Mafia. If I write about the unfairness of biological males competing against females in athletics, I’m history’s greatest monster. Of course, being opposed to letting third-graders opt for genital mutilation without their parents knowing about it means one is hopelessly transphobic.

2. Any Skepticism About What Government Health Officials Say

The COVID-19 hangover is still going on. The petty tyrants who were given a power boost in 2020 don’t want to let go of it and are relentlessly battling for continued relevance. We’ve already seen them trying to sell the idea of a “tripledemic,” which, thankfully, most people aren’t buying. Still, expect the vaccine pushers to push harder. 

3. Election Fraud

Don’t you dare question what happens to mail-in ballots whilst they float around unseen while en route, Rethuglicans! This goes double during an election year. There’s nothing to see here, move long now. 

4. Climate Change/Green Government Scam

This is the big one. The Climate Church has its dream administration running the Executive Branch now. The people running Joe Biden’s brain do everything that they can to line the pockets of Big Green at the expense of the American taxpayer. The media hacks will do everything that they can to protect their Precious. 

Those are the Top 4. The Democrats’ flying monkeys in the mainstream media will be peddling misinformation (99% of which comes from the Left) with dedicated ferocity. Look for them to really bury the truth about numbers 3 and 4. The major media outlets that toil for the Democrats will have a generous assist from Google and Facebook, two powerful entities that still play a big role in the financial health of conservative media. 

Like it or not, we still make a fair portion of our income from Google ads. Google can arbitrarily demonetize anything it wants to label “disinformation.” A perfect example of that is whatever I write about climate change. My position is that I believe that the climate is changing, but I don’t think it’s primarily manmade or that it can be reversed by the government forcing everyone to drive electric vehicles.

Not exactly radical fringe stuff. 

The last four or five all-access columns I’ve written about climate issues have been demonetized by Google. The good people at the Townhall Media Mothership still have to pay me for those columns even though Google shut off the revenue stream. 

Everything I do going forward regarding climate change hysteria, or the Big Green scam will be for our VIP friends. That’s how we continue to combat the Soviet ideals of the Big Tech censors and will eventually wean ourselves off of them. If you would like to join our rowdy band of rightwing rebels, you can sign up here and use the promo code CENSORSHIP for a 50% discount. That’s around $2 and $4 a month for VIP and VIP Gold, respectively. 

VIP includes all of the premium articles and podcasts on PJ Media. VIP Gold gets you all of that at every Townhall Media site (PJ Media, Townhall, HotAir, RedState, Bearing Arms, and Twitchy), as well as the semi-legendary bi-weekly live video chat “Five O’Clock Somewhere,” which I co-host with the fully legendary VodkaPundit, and features guests from all around the Mothership. 

We are forever grateful to all of our readers and listeners. In the immortal words of Bartles and Jaymes, “Thank you for your support.” 

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