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Bill Maher (Accidentally?) Explains How Exposing Kids to Gender Ideology Is Grooming – PJ Media

On Friday evening, leftist comedian Bill Maher once again criticized the way the transgender cult is targeting children, and I have to say it’s encouraging to see he hasn’t been bullied into silence on this issue.

“Contrary to current progressive dogma, children aren’t miniature adults wise beyond their years. They’re morons,” he pointed. out. “They’re gullible morons who will believe anything and just want to please grown-ups, and they don’t have any frame of reference, so they normalize whatever is happening. That’s why endlessly talking about gender to six-year-olds isn’t just inappropriate.” 

Maher continued, “It’s what the law would call entrapment, which means enticing people into doing something they wouldn’t ordinarily do.”

For example, after 9/11, there were several cases of overzealous federal agents leading sad losers into terrorist plots like the undercover FBI agent who got seven out-of-work dudes in Liberty City, FL, to sign onto a plot to bomb the Sears Tower in Chicago. Oh please, these guys didn’t even have a gun, but when someone said, “Wouldn’t it be cool if we taught the man a lesson and blew something up?” They said, “Yeah, that would be kind of cool!”

Entrapment, suggesting someone into something they wouldn’t otherwise do. And if you think some of that isn’t going on with gender in schools, you’re not watching enough TikTok videos. 

Maher then played clips from TikTok videos of LGBTQ activist teachers who were clearly abusing their positions to indoctrinate children.

Maher’s monologue continued:

There’s a certain kind of activist these days who wants to take heterosexuality, old school, old fashioned, boring, minding its own business heterosexuality, and lump it in with patriarchy and sexism and racism and tell kids, “Wouldn’t it be cool if you were anything but that?” It also seems to be the theme of kind of a lot of kids’ books these days. I never used the phrase “gay agenda” because I thought it was mostly nonsense, and it is, mostly.

Maher then played a clip of the Disney executive who said that Disney showrunners were “super welcoming” to her “not-all-that-secret gay agenda,” and that where she could, she would add “queerness” to programming and “no one would stop me, and no one was trying to stop me.”

Whether he realizes it or not, Bill Maher is essentially agreeing with what conservatives have been saying for a long time now, that LGBTQ activists are grooming children.

This is not the first time he’s brought up the issue of child grooming, either. In May 2022, Maher questioned why each generation increasingly identifies as LGBT.

“If something about the human race is changing at a previously unprecedented rate, we have to at least discuss it. Broken down over time, the LGBT population of America seems to be roughly doubling every generation.” He then cited a Gallup poll that showed that less than 1% of Americans born before 1946 identify as LGBT, 2.6% of Boomers, 4.2% of Generation X, 10.5% of Millennials, and 20.8% of Gen Z. 

“If we follow this trajectory, we will all be gay in 2054,” he quipped.

He may never use the word “grooming,” but that’s exactly what he’s talking about here. And based on the positive reactions of his audience, they know what’s really going on, too.

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