Oh sure, your humble correspondent wanted to start today’s West Coast, Messed Coast™ with a bang, BUT “because I made like an idiot, and I was drunk and probably high, sent a — this ridiculous message” and I couldn’t remember the right people to send it to. Hold up. The media assured me that this excuse totally worked for Hunter Biden in the House Oversight Committee this week, so, obviously, there should be special dispensation for your humble correspondent who’s not high. Speaking of which, the pigeons, like Hunter, are high in Portland, but you’ll have to wait for that breaking story.
Oregon gets shot of Narcan
Oregon voters thought it would be a really good idea to decriminalize hard drugs in 2020. Measure 110 caused most of the drug tourism, open-air drug dealing, and homeless encampments because of it.
The result has been a “profound public health crisis” of their own making, one Democrat finally admitted.
Now, the state legislature has tweaked the voter-passed measure to “unwind” the harm it has caused.
The Capitol Chronicle reports:
The bill would undo a key provision of the voter-passed Measure 110, which decriminalized possession of small amounts of hard drugs and enacted a system of $100 citations that a person could avoid if they obtained a health assessment. Police have said the citation system lacked the teeth necessary to encourage people to enter treatment, and a majority of Oregonians in surveys have voiced support for repealing Measure 110 or parts of it.
They’re being too nice. Measure 110 has been an unmitigated disaster sponsored by New York-based Frankensteins, who wanted Oregon to pilot the program.
The first time’s always free
In Portland, drug-addled tent dwellers are now sharing their drugs with the pigeons.
Homeless reporter Kevin Dahlgren interviewed four people who say they are so high and addled that they’ve begun to give their drugs to neighboring pigeons. Dahlgren says he’s seen them do it.
One sad tent dweller reported that pigeons are “pecking at [their] tent saying ‘hey'” until they give them drugs.
Pigeons on meth. Feeding birds drugs is becoming a popular past time on the streets, perhaps because drug prices have reached an all time low. This is that fourth person in two weeks who has shared with me this new and disturbing activity. I plan to film this and report it. pic.twitter.com/2IHIsIX5L1
— Kevin Dahlgren (@kevinvdahlgren) February 29, 2024
Bang bang, you’re dead
The Washington State legislature is putting the finishing touches on a biil to put the finishing touches on small Federal Firearms Licensed gun dealers. House Bill 2118 has emerged from the Democrat sausage maker this legislative session to make it so costly to own and run a small gun shop that only big box stores, such as Cabela’s and Bass Pro Shops, and whoever else is still in business will be able to sell guns. Democrats love big business and pretend to hate guns.
The Media Matters boys on the East Coast will shame those big box stores into quitting the gun business for the Bloomberg pearl-clutchers in no time.
Among the new regulations the Democrats want is placement of cameras everywhere to catch perps in the act of… buying guns legally. Democrats wanted FFL owners to keep the recordings for six years but settled for 90 days.
If the Bruen decision doesn’t let the Democrats outlaw guns, then they’ll outlaw gun shops by July 1, 2025.
Lawsuits are being readied.
Gavin slashes minimum wage by $30/hour
California Governor Gavin Newsom, who’s being targeted by another recall for losing $73 billion of taxpayer funds, has slashed the state’s minimum wage by $30 an hour. Theoretically, that is.
As you know, California Senate candidate and current Congresswoman Barbara Lee has been banging the gong for a $ 50-an-hour minimum wage in her state. But under legislation signed by Governor Hair Gel, the minimum wage only goes to $20 an hour in April.
For whatever reason, however, there’s an exception to the $20 minimum wage, and that’s for restaurants that make bread on-site. That rule would give Panera and Subway a break. Panera is one of Newsom’s large donors.
Fox News flogged the story this week, which outraged the governor, but not because the story’s wrong. It just outrages him that anyone would notice that a high roller who has given Newsom more than $220,000, with half of that given to help him survive his last failed recall, would get a favor.
Steve Garvey on base
In polling in that same Senate race, beloved former Dodger and San Diego Padres first baseman Steve Garvey is number two behind Lying Adam Schiff.
The 75-year-old Republican candidate can still make the show if he stays in the two spot or slides into the number one spot in California’s disastrous top two election scheme. Schiff, the LA area congressman who promised to provide “proof” that Trump was a Russia, Russia, Russia secret agent, has lied with impunity in an effort to “destroy democracy” and “undermine elections” for years now.
The Inside California Politics/Emerson poll of 1,000 voters found that “Since January, Rep. Schiff has increased his support from 25% to 28%. Garvey’s support increased from 18% to 22%; Rep. Katie Porter has climbed from 13% to 16%, while Rep. Barbara Lee’s support remained largely flat at 9%.”
Homeless camp blamed for accident
An insurance company representing a Portland Lyft driver says its client isn’t to blame for an accident because a homeless encampment blocked his view. The collision claimed the life of a motorcyclist.
Willamette Week reports that the Mobilitas Insurance Company is suing the City of Portland for more than $1 million because it refused to clean up the encampment that blocked drivers’ views.
The insurance company claims the 2022 accident should never have happened since the mayor banned encampments “near highways, onramps and ‘high crash corridors,'” which includes the street where the accident happened.
Fair play
My friend and Adult in the Room Podcast engineer, we’ll call him Kenny, says that if all manner of unqualified and undocumented people are going to be given the right to vote in California, which is the end game, obviously, then he, too, should be able to vote there. Why is it that a South Carolina guy like him, an American citizen, has fewer rights to vote in California than illegal aliens?
Great question.
Speaking of which, I got my California voter information card in the mail this week. “Vote Easy. Vote Secure,” it reads.
We moved close to four years ago.
Until next time, buy guns and ammo while you can.