
Nefesh B’Nefesh – Urgent Action Steps | Women’s League for Conservative Judaism

Keeping to our Mission – Adjusting to the War

Focusing on our Responsibilities & Leveraging our Unique Capabilities


Olim Services – Serving 80K NBN Olim and Anglo Oleh community at large

• Financial grants for families impacted by the war

• Therapy and counseling services

• Financial grants to community initiatives during the war

• Weddings at cost in our Jerusalem Aliyah Campus

Lone Soldiers & their Families – Supporting 10,000 lone soldiers in active combat

• 24/7 Hotline & I Center for parents of Lone Soldiers

• Multilingual Broadcasts from IDF to Olim and families of Lone Soldiers

• Flights to Israel during the war for parents of Lone Soldiers

• Free Mental Health Support services for Lone Soldiers

• Attendance at every funeral and shiva of Lone Soldier

• Contact with families of captive Soldiers

• Tending to various urgent needs of Lone Soldier


Supporting Israel’s National Health Care System

• Assist Israel’s Ministry of Health compile a list of Physician volunteers from the Diaspora

• Serve as an official representative of the Ministry of Health, The Jewish Agency for Israel and Israel’s Ministry of Aliyah and Integration, responsible for handling the technical logistics and costs of coordinating foreign physicians to come to Israel to assist the local healthcare system during the war


What Nefesh B’Nefesh is doing during the war. A must read. Pay particular attention to the last subject: “Supporting Israel’s National Health Care System”, want to learn what this includes?



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